Madonna Doyle & Associates

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28 Gordon Street, POS, Trinidad

Dr. Madonna Doyle Certified Corporate Trainer

25 +


About Me


Dr. Madonna Doyle is the CEO and Principal Consultant of Madonna Doyle and Associates (MDA), her own firm that provides customized leadership communication tools and strategies for workplace transformation. Through Madonna’s stewardship, the firm has established affiliations with such USbased organisations as: The John C. Maxwell Company; the Emotional Intelligence Training and Research Institute; The Myers Briggs Company and QualQuan Group Inc. Madonna is a leader of leaders and has been involved in several pioneering initiatives that have transformed the lives of countless and positively influenced the ministry of faithbased organisations in the Trinidad & Tobago.
Dr. Doyle brings a vast treasure trove of experience and qualifications in the areas of Leadership and Communications. She
holds a Doctorate in Transformational Leadership, Masters in Mass Communications and has graduated from the University of the West Indies, with both a B.Sc. in Social Sciences and a postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communications. She is a graduate of the US Telecommunications Training Institute earning diplomas in Telecommunications.

Madonna Aurora SampsonDoyle successfully weaves spirituality, business and academia into a communication mandate for personal, organisational, community and national transformation.
A descendant of the Merikins through her paternal grandmother, Madonna affirms that her name essentially describes her perfectly: “A lady of light and great strength”.

Contributing to Dr Doyles worldview, has been a consistent and growing intimacy with God through Jesus Christ. From preschool to Sunday school; to working with a Caribbean developmental NGO formed by mainstream traditional churches, Dr. Doyle connects with
historical servant leaders Martin Luther King Jnr, Mohandas Gandhi, Mother Teresa who through their faith and integrating spirituality into leadership, have transformed nations.

Madonna’s creativity has found expression through her oratory skills and her publications. Morning Glory is a compilation of poems in print and audio format. In 2004, Madonna launched her second book, “Healing Conversations A Journey to Genuine Communication Beyond Skins and Grins”. And in 2013, she published Conversations Capsules. Daily Supplements for Healthy Workplace Communication.”
A wife and mother of two, Dr. Doyle describes herself as a walking miracle attributing her worklifeministry balance to her husband Elton and the responsibilities of nurturing her blessings, Precious Destiny and Samuel David.