Conversation Capsules @ Work
Daily Supplements For Healthy Workplace Communication
If you could put your hands on a how-to tool that can ease work-place relationship difficulties, Conversation Capsules @ Work is it. The author uses a capsule metaphor and works the theme of dosing oneself with energy- giving supplements. The imagery is worked well as the book contains bite-sized portions of energy-boosting tips. Conversation Capsules @ Work is a book of quotations specially selected and informed by a trainer / facilitator who has the practical experience of helping individuals and organizations master communication challenges. The book is built around five interpersonal communication competencies: listening, speaking, connecting, modeling behaviour, and mediating conflicts.
The author has shared her own as well as selected quotes that challenge, inspire and equip. The sections are introduced with work-based anecdotes and principles and end with a mini summary of the techniques and further encouragement. Conversation Capsules @ Work adopts the whole person approach. The communication tips encapsulated in each quote are practical, conceptual, spiritual and motivational. While a book of quotes may feature a disparate amount of themes and subject matters, Conversation Capsules @ Work is a book of quotes with a single focus on inter-personal communication in a business context. While persons may search on-line for communication quotes they will not find in one space, communication quotes in a business context that reflect the five dimensions of interpersonal communication and which simultaneously appeal to the whole person.
While a book of quotes may be drawn from a narrow field of contributors Conversation Capsules @ Work draws from a wide variety of sources including the Author, the Bible, globally respected leaders, and Caribbean icons who are from the fields of business, politics, social activism, the arts, religion etc. While a book of quotes can be randomly assembled, Conversation Capsules @ Work is constructed within the metaphor of having a three-month (sixty work-days) supply of multi vitamins.