Madonna Doyle & Associates

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1 868 3075703 (m)


28 Gordon Street, POS, Trinidad



Interpersonal relationships among team leaders, managers, supervisors and other employees can descend into mistrustful, toxic, transactional encounters with increased conflict and reduced productivity.

MDA offers Restorative Leadership Conversations – those communication encounters that seek to manage conflict in ways that make parties appreciate different perspectives; promote understanding; and feel valued, and empowered.

Restorative Leadership Conversations will empower leaders of teams and departments with appropriate communications skills, attitudes and knowledge to:

  • Facilitate, accommodate and embrace diversity in the workplace
  • Manage conflict to achieve win-win outcomes; mutual understanding, and understanding others’ perspectives
  • Tap into their and others’ emotional and spiritual intelligence to nurture relationship harmony in the team and organisation
  • Build a culture of trust
  • Connect work, individuals, teams and the organisation to the grander vision and purpose

To Access any of our Leadership Conversations clusters let’s…


Either in-person or on-line


Through collaborative communication, we will both agree on the way forward.


Our solutions can involve either or all of consulting, coaching and training

Send us a message

Registered Office: 28 Gordon Street, Port of Spain.

Postal Address: #3 Acacia Circle Acono Gardens Maracas St Joseph 311114.
